The Mayhem Continues

After countless hours of nonstop searching, I finally gave up in despair. I couldn’t find anybody to kill, especially since it was pitch-black outside. Fatigue started to settle in. I knew it was time for some rest. It had been a hectic and stressful day and my body urged me to sleep. I laid down softly on the cool, damp grass and attempted to shut my eyes.

Right before I did so, I noticed a small, piercing red object lurking in one of the remaining trees. It seemed peculiar, so I rose up to go investigate. As I stepped closer to the tree, I realized there were more small objects hanging around in it, each one a different color. I saw blue, yellow, orange, and now I was totally intrigued. I finished walking up to the tree and peered through the leaves to find out what the objects were. My eyes could make out that these objects were spotted and had four, moist legs. That’s when I knew these were no objects; these were frogs…poison dart frogs.

I quickly backed away from the tree and reached for my saber. The red blades ignited and lit up the night sky. Immediately, a frog leaped towards me. As it flew through the air, I swung my saber around and sliced through the frog like a knife slices butter. I watched as the frog’s head dropped to the ground, surrounded by a small puddle of blood. The remainder of the frogs sat still on their branches. Now I could tell there had to be at least a hundred of these tiny, little amphibians and they all wanted revenge. I probably should’ve thought about my other options before I killed one of their family members. All I could hear was the constant croaking of the frogs until one of them jumped towards me, followed by the rest of his large family. I was being swarmed by these poisonous creatures, and it certainly wasn’t easy to kill all of them off. They were ruthless and wanted to make me pay for killing their friend. I sliced through all of them one by one, but soon my arms started to weaken. Luckily, I swung through the last one before my body gave out. I took a deep breath and instantaneously collapsed onto the ground. The jungle was completely silent and I could finally get my rest. I rolled onto my side and dozed off. However, I was awoken in the middle of the night when I felt something moist and sticky clinging onto my bare skin. Then, I felt it creep along my arm, and it let out a familiar noise: croak.

3 thoughts on “The Mayhem Continues

  1. One thing that I haven’t seen much in one of our blog posts is a cliff hanger ending. I like that you included this because it really keeps you interested and wanting to see what happens. Other than that, I feel like you used the word “object” a lot in the second paragraph but it did aid to the idea that you weren’t sure what they were.

  2. I really liked your ending of how you felt something sticky on you when you woke up to show that one frog was still alive, I thought that was a good cliff hanger. I thought how the frogs wanted revenge for you killing their friend was also good. Overall well written, didn’t see much that needed to be fixed.

  3. I liked how you really described the frogs in detail. Also, I liked that you used a lot of figurative language. However, I agree with pat. You shouldn’t have used “object” so many times.

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